Install Pundi X (PundiXChain)

This guide will explain how to install the pundixd CLI onto your system. With this installed on a server, you can participate on the mainnet as either a Full Node or a Validator.

Hardware Requirements

We recommend the following for running PundiX:

  • 4 or more CPU cores

  • At least 500G of disk storage

  • At least 8G of memory

  • At least 10mbps network bandwidth

To see a quick cloud setup on how to setup and deploy it on the cloud.

Install build requirements

Install make and gcc.

On Ubuntu this can be done with the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y make gcc

sudo apt-get install -y make gcc may have encountered a problem with locked files, just try sudo apt-get install -y make gcc again.

Install Go

Install go by following the official docs. Please select your respective environment❗

For Ubuntu environment, there may be permissions denied issues with unzipping the go zip file, try using sudo su to resolve it.

Go 1.18+ or later is required for the PundiX. If you are remoting into a terminal, you may input the following command:

Setting environment variables:

mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Install the binaries

Next, let's install the latest version of PundiX. Make sure you have git installed if not you will be prompted to install git. Follow the instruction in the terminal.

git clone --branch release/v0.2.x
cd pundix
make go.sum
make install

Verify version:

# Long version
pundixd version --long

# Short version
pundixd version

pundixd version --long should output something similar to:

name: pundix
server_name: pundixd
version: main-82a9ac1f21783bc4b2838026b1742a2bbdf0bcb0
commit: 82a9ac1f21783bc4b2838026b1742a2bbdf0bcb0
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.18.1 darwin/amd64
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.45.5

Build Tags

Build tags indicate special features that have been enabled in the binary.

Build Tag


Name resolution will use pure Go code


Ledger devices are supported (hardware wallets)

Last updated